/ Explore the Ancient Kailasanathar Temple

Explore the Ancient Kailasanathar Temple

By Alan J Bright
December 19, 2023

Welcome to the captivating world of the Ancient Kailasanathar Temple in Kanchipuram! This mesmerizing Hindu temple, dating back to the 8th century CE, is a true testament to India's rich cultural heritage and architectural brilliance. With its intricate carvings, majestic structures, and historical significance, the Kailasanathar Temple is a must-visit tourist attraction for history enthusiasts and architecture aficionados.

Step into a world of ancient spirituality as you immerse yourself in the serene ambience of this awe-inspiring temple. As you explore its sandstone buildings and intricately carved shrines, you'll be transported back in time to the era of the Pallava dynasty, under whose patronage this magnificent temple was built. Experience the grandeur and magnificence of the Kailasanathar Temple as you discover the hidden gems it holds within its walls.

Capture the intricate carvings and sculptures atop the ancient spire of the Kailasanathar Temple, surrounded by lush greenery and a clear blue sky.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Kailasanathar Temple is an ancient Hindu temple located in Kanchipuram.
  • It dates back to the 8th century CE and was built under the patronage of the Pallava dynasty.
  • The temple is renowned for its exquisite architectural beauty and historical significance.
  • Explore the sandstone buildings and intricately carved shrines dedicated to various deities.
  • The Kailasanathar Temple is a hidden gem, relatively unexplored by tourists.

History of Kailasanathar Temple

The Kailasanathar Temple holds a fascinating history that dates back to the 8th century CE. It was commissioned by the Pallava king Rajasimha, showcasing the architectural excellence of the Pallava dynasty. This ancient temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, was initially named Rajasimha Pallavesvara Graham. It was later expanded and adorned with additional structures by the king's son, Mahendra Varman III. The temple stands as a testament to the rich cultural heritage and architectural brilliance of the Pallavas.

Constructed between 674-800 CE, the Kailasanathar Temple has witnessed centuries of worship, events, and transformations. Despite its age, the temple has retained its magnificence and historical significance, making it an intriguing destination for those interested in ancient architecture and South Indian heritage.

Key Historical Details:

Commissioned by Pallava king Rajasimha in the 8th century CEConstructed between 674-800 CEExpanded and embellished by Mahendra Varman IIIDedicated to Lord Shiva

Historical FactsDetails
Construction Period8th century CE (674-800 CE)
PatronPallava king Rajasimha
ExpansionDone by Mahendra Varman III
DedicationDedicated to Lord Shiva

Architecture of Kailasanathar Temple

The Kailasanathar Temple in Kanchipuram is renowned for its architectural splendor, showcasing the exquisite Dravidian style. This ancient Hindu temple is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, with its intricate carvings, towering gopurams, and majestic sculptures.

The main shrine of the Kailasanathar Temple is built in a pyramidal format, combining the use of granite and sandstone. The temple walls are adorned with captivating figurines and sculptures that bring Hindu mythology to life. These intricate depictions depict scenes of devotion, mythology, and spiritual symbolism.

Noteworthy features within the temple include the portrayal of mythological lions, which serve as guardians, and a unique idol of Lord Shiva playing the Veena, an Indian musical instrument. Additionally, a narrow circumambulatory passage surrounds the sanctum sanctorum, enabling devotees to perform pradakshina (circumambulation) as a form of worship.

"The Kailasanathar Temple is a testament to the architectural brilliance of ancient India. Its detailed craftsmanship and design elements make it a significant pilgrimage site for devotees and an extraordinary attraction for anyone interested in the rich cultural heritage of South India." - Architecture historian

The temple's architecture represents the height of Dravidian architectural excellence. It reflects the artistry and devotion of the craftsmen of the Pallava dynasty. The use of sandstone in the temple's construction not only adds to its visual appeal but also signifies the timelessness and durability of this sacred structure.

The Kailasanathar Temple stands as a testament to the rich heritage and cultural legacy of ancient India. It is an architectural marvel that continues to inspire awe and wonder, drawing visitors from all over the world. The meticulous attention to detail, the intricate sculptures, and the harmonious blend of materials truly make it a masterpiece of Dravidian architecture.


The Kailasanathar Temple in Kanchipuram is an ancient temple of immense historical significance and an architectural masterpiece of South Indian architecture. As one of the oldest surviving monuments in the region, it serves as a testament to the rich heritage and cultural traditions of India.

Visiting the Kailasanathar Temple allows you to immerse yourself in a world of grandeur and spirituality. The intricately carved sculptures, towering structures, and tranquil atmosphere create a sense of awe and reverence. This ancient religious site beckons history enthusiasts, spiritual seekers, and curious travelers alike.

Witness the centuries of history and culture that the Kailasanathar Temple embodies. Explore its sacred halls, admire the meticulously crafted sandstone figurines, and marvel at the unique Dravidian architectural style. Discover the deep-rooted religious significance of the temple and experience a profound sense of tranquility in its serene surroundings.

Plan your visit to the Kailasanathar Temple and prepare to be captivated by its ancient charm, historical allure, and architectural magnificence. This remarkable site was truly built to stand the test of time, and it continues to be a revered destination for those seeking to connect with the past and embrace the spiritual essence of South India.


What is the Kailasanathar Temple?

The Kailasanathar Temple is an ancient Hindu temple located in Kanchipuram. It is known for its historical significance and stunning architectural beauty.

When was the Kailasanathar Temple built?

The Kailasanathar Temple was built in the 8th century CE under the patronage of the Pallava dynasty.

Who commissioned the Kailasanathar Temple?

The temple was commissioned by the Pallava king Rajasimha in the 8th century CE.

What style of architecture does the Kailasanathar Temple showcase?

The temple showcases the Dravidian style of architecture, known for its intricate carvings, towering gopurams (towers), and majestic sculptures.

What materials were used to build the Kailasanathar Temple?

The temple is made up of both granite and sandstone, which add to its unique charm and beauty.

What can visitors find inside the Kailasanathar Temple?

Inside the temple, visitors can explore various intricately carved shrines dedicated to different deities, including sculptural forms of Lord Shiva.

Why should I visit the Kailasanathar Temple?

The Kailasanathar Temple is a must-visit for history enthusiasts, spiritual seekers, and anyone interested in ancient temples and South Indian heritage. It offers a blend of history, spirituality, and architectural brilliance.

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