/ Kallanai Dam

Kallanai Dam

By Alan J Bright
March 22, 2023

The Kallanai Dam, also known as the Grand Anicut, is an ancient dam located on the Kaveri River in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Built over 2,000 years ago, the dam is considered to be one of the oldest water-diversion structures in the world. The Kallanai Dam was built during the reign of the Chola dynasty, a period known for its architectural and engineering achievements. This article will explore the history, design, and impact of the Kallanai Dam.

History of Kallanai Dam

The Kallanai Dam was constructed by King Karikalan, a ruler of the Chola dynasty in the 2nd century AD. The purpose of the dam was to divert the waters of the Kaveri River for irrigation purposes, allowing farmers to cultivate crops in the fertile delta region. The dam was originally made of stone and stood at a height of 20 feet with a width of 329 meters.

Over the years, the dam has undergone several renovations and modifications. The most significant of these was carried out during the 19th century by the British engineer Sir Arthur Cotton. Under Cotton's supervision, the dam was raised to a height of 69 feet and its width was increased to 1,080 meters. Cotton's modifications to the dam increased its capacity, making it capable of irrigating over 1 million acres of land.

Design of Kallanai Dam

The Kallanai Dam is a masonry gravity dam, built using interlocking blocks of limestone and granite. The dam is curved in shape, with a radius of 718 meters. The curvature of the dam allows it to withstand the force of the water flowing through it, preventing it from collapsing under pressure. The dam has a series of sluices or gates, which can be opened or closed to control the flow of water.

The Kallanai Dam is a unique example of ancient engineering. The design and construction of the dam demonstrate a deep understanding of the principles of hydraulics and the properties of materials.

Impact of Kallanai Dam

The Kallanai Dam has had a significant impact on the region's agriculture and economy. The dam has transformed the once-arid delta region into a fertile agricultural hub, producing crops such as rice, sugarcane, and bananas. The dam has also helped to control floods in the region, preventing damage to crops and property.

In addition to its economic impact, the Kallanai Dam is also a cultural landmark. The dam is considered to be a symbol of the Chola dynasty's engineering prowess and is a popular tourist attraction.


The Kallanai Dam is a testament to the ingenuity and engineering skills of the ancient Indian civilization. The dam has stood the test of time and continues to serve as a vital source of irrigation and flood control in the region. The Kallanai Dam is a reminder of the importance of sustainable water management and the role of engineering in shaping the world we live in.


1. How old is the Kallanai Dam?

The Kallanai Dam is over 2,000 years old, dating back to the 2nd century AD.

2. What is the purpose of the Kallanai Dam?

The Kallanai Dam was built to divert the waters of the Kaveri River for irrigation purposes, allowing farmers to cultivate crops in the delta region.

3. Who built the Kallanai Dam?

The Kallanai Dam was built by King Karikalan of the Chola dynasty.

4. What is the design of the Kallanai Dam?

The Kallanai Dam is a masonry gravity dam, built using interlocking blocks of limestone and granite. The dam is curved in shape, with a radius of 718 meters. The curvature of the dam allows it to withstand the force of the water flowing through it, preventing it from collapsing under pressure.

5. What is the impact of the Kallanai Dam?

The Kallanai Dam has had a significant impact on the region's agriculture and economy. The dam has transformed the once-arid delta region into a fertile agricultural hub, producing crops such as rice, sugarcane, and bananas. The dam has also helped to control floods in the region, preventing damage to crops and property.

6. Is the Kallanai Dam still in use today?

Yes, the Kallanai Dam is still in use today and continues to serve as a vital source of irrigation and flood control in the region.

7. Can visitors visit the Kallanai Dam?

Yes, visitors can visit the Kallanai Dam and witness the engineering marvel for themselves. The dam is a popular tourist attraction and is easily accessible from the nearby city of Trichy.

8. What is the significance of the Kallanai Dam?

The Kallanai Dam is significant as it represents the technological and engineering prowess of ancient India. The dam is a symbol of the Chola dynasty's achievements and continues to inspire awe and wonder to this day.

9. How has the Kallanai Dam influenced other engineering projects?

The Kallanai Dam has influenced other engineering projects in India and around the world. Its design and construction techniques have been studied and emulated, demonstrating the lasting impact of the ancient Indian civilization on modern engineering.

10. What is the future of the Kallanai Dam?

The Kallanai Dam will continue to play an important role in the region's agriculture and economy. However, there are concerns over the dam's sustainability and maintenance, with some experts calling for a comprehensive renovation and modernization effort to ensure the dam's continued longevity.

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